Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F

Francium is the biggest element with the lowest ionization energy and electronegativity because:
  • Larger atoms have more energy levels and fewer valance electrons than smaller atoms
  • It is easy for an atom to lose a valance electron
  • and it is hard for an element to gain one
Helium is the smallest element with the highest ionization energy because:
  • first row, 1 shell
  • 2 protons in the nucleus 
  • pulls electrons in closer
Noble Gases don't have EN values because they:
  • Don't need to gain electrons
  • don't react
  • have a full shell so they don't need to change.
Fluorine has the highest EN because:
  • other than the non noble gases it is the smallest
  • it's best at attracting electrons

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Element Blog Post

Hi I'm Hydrogen. I am the first element on the periodic table. My name can be said in other languages such as Idrogeno, Waterstof, and Hydrogène. I got my name from the greek word "hydro" and "genes" meaning "water" and "generator."

Neutrons and Protons: 1 proton and 1 neutron
Naturally occurring isotopes and Natural abundance:
Isotope Atomic mass (ma/u) Natural abundance (atom %)

1H 1.007825032 1(4) 99.9885 (70)

2H 2.014101778 0(4) 0.0115 (70)

Half lives:
Isotope Mass Half-life

3H 3.0160492675(11) 12.33 y

Average atomic mass:  1.00794

Electrons: 1
Shells of electrons: 1

Atomic radius: 2.5 x 10^-11 meters

Properties in pure element form:
  • Melting Point
  • Boiling Point
  • Liquid Range
  • Critical Temperature
  • Superconduction Temperature
Abundance In my body: 100000000
Abundance In Earth's crust and Universe: 750000000

Compounds I Form:
  • Hydrogen chloride: HCl
  • Hydrogen bromide: HBr
  • Hydrogen iodide: HI
  • Water: H2O
My Story:
I was discovered by Henry Cavendish in 1766 in London. "Cavendish described accurately hydrogen's properties but thought erroneously that the gas originated from the metal rather than from
the acid. Hydrogen was named by Lavoisier."

My Jobs:
  • filling balloons
  •  rocket fuel
 I make up about 90% of the Universe..

My Reference:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome Everyone to my blog! This is my first time ever writing a blog. I don't know if i will be writing in this blog all the time..but i do know that i will be using it. I'm making this blog in Chemistry class because it is our assignment for the day. I'm very interested to see what this blog is going to turn out as and see how it expands.

I love science. It's one of my favorite subjects. I also love to cook. Another thing I love is English..That is my first favorite subject. I enjoy writing and reading. I hate grammar though. This is my first time taking chemistry and so far I'm really enjoying it.

In the future, my dream is to be a pharmacist as you can tell from my user name. It's been my dream since i was 10 years old and I'm still dedicated to it. I love working with chemicals and all things that have to do with science. I find the elements very interesting as well.

I am looking forward to writing in this blog in the future and also learn more about chemistry and other sciences.
Good bye for now!