Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F

Francium is the biggest element with the lowest ionization energy and electronegativity because:
  • Larger atoms have more energy levels and fewer valance electrons than smaller atoms
  • It is easy for an atom to lose a valance electron
  • and it is hard for an element to gain one
Helium is the smallest element with the highest ionization energy because:
  • first row, 1 shell
  • 2 protons in the nucleus 
  • pulls electrons in closer
Noble Gases don't have EN values because they:
  • Don't need to gain electrons
  • don't react
  • have a full shell so they don't need to change.
Fluorine has the highest EN because:
  • other than the non noble gases it is the smallest
  • it's best at attracting electrons

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